Aloha. Just finished the shawl for my boyfiends sister. Going to give it to her for her birthday in a couple of weeks.
I sort of made the pattern up for this one, its made up of two patterns put together with some additions via common knitting sense.
I used a shawl pattern that is available free from the Vogue knitting website that I have used a couple of times before in its unaltered state. The cabling is from the large Rowan shawl from the previous post that I am doing for myself (haven't done any more on that yet).
Because the cabling pulls the width of the work in, to get the correct width for the pattern I picked up and knit about 150 stitches on each side of the shawl and worked a 2-2 rib for 3 inches.
et voila!
Vogue Knitting The pattern I used as the base is the Rolled Collar Shrug.